The Cause
The idea for the Mighty Mitchell Foundation was created after Mitchell was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2014 at the age of 4 and our family was introduced to this scary reality for families battling pediatric cancer. Very early on we discovered how great of a need there is for families and patients affected by cancer. Many of these parents are young and do not have a lot of financial means and battling this disease along with financial and emotional stress creates a toll on families. We created this foundation to be a support organization to help connect families to resources as they battle this disease. Unfortunately pediatric cancer research is significantly underfunded so there is a huge need to have more research provided. There is a lot of stress on families and our goal is to help provide some hope for families going through treatment with a child to save marriages, provide hope and a source of happiness to patients that lose peer interaction and the pureness of being a child, along with siblings that lose a lot of attention from family members while their brother or sister receive care.